Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Today Den decided it was time to take me hiking up one of the various mountains in Korea. Let me just tell you I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I have hiked before, in America, and I know it can be exhausting and hard at times but nothing compares to hiking in Korea. Koreans love to hike. You see them on the trails with all the latest hiking gear and attire. Dennis was telling me on the weekends the hiking trails are packed. So when I saw the older ladies in their hiking boots with their hiking canes I thought I can handle this...boy was I in for a surprise. One of the big differences between hiking in America and hiking in Korea are switchbacks. American mountains usually have switchbacks so that climbing up the mountain doesn't have as intense of an incline as just climbing straight up. Koreans do not feel the same way. Their trails go straight up the mountain...NO switchbacks. They will even make staircases or add rails in order for hikers to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. So this hike was 45 minutes of high intense climbing with Dennis leading the way at a fast pace. Throughout the entire hike I was drenched in sweat from head to toe and out of breath. It would of been like being on the treadmill for 45 minutes going at a fast walk with the incline at it's highest setting the entire time. The greatest feeling was getting to the top of that peak and knowing what I had accomplished. Unfortunately, we still had to climb down but at least that's a lot easier.

The top of the peak! 


Den attempting to do a hand stand

My way better hand stand : )

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