Thursday, December 26, 2013

Heidi's 2nd and 3rd month!

Our little family has been super busy lately with traveling around for the Thanksgiving holiday. I have finally found some time to update you all with our little Heidi. She is now a world traveler. She flew from Japan to Fort Worth and then to South Florida. She drove from West Palm Beach to New Orleans, Tennessee, Savannah, and then back to Florida. Then ended with a flight back to Japan. She did amazing during all the flights and had a little harder time when it came to long car rides....she really doesn't like to be in the car seat too long. On our trip home she got to meet tons of family and friends and they all fell in love with this little lady. Her first Christmas was spent here in Japan and she even had special pajamas from her Naner that said Heidi's first Christmas.

Loves talking to herself in the mirror :) 
Heidi has grown so much over the past couple months and is getting cooler everyday. She is talking more and more especially to her favorite bug toy. She loves that little guy. She almost has complete control over her neck and is getting better at holding it up nice and high and for long periods of time during tummy time. Probably by next week she will be able to sit in the bumbo. She loves her swing because it has a mirror and she loves to smile and talk to herself. I imagine she is telling herself how beautiful she is. In the states Heidi started sleeping 7-8 hours which was amazing. Now that we are back in Japan she is back on a schedule and slept for 10 hours last night. It was a Christmas Miracle! We are making the transition for her to start sleeping in her crib. She naps in it during the day and once she is consistently sleeping through the night we will move her in there full time.Overall, she is a very happy chill baby who occasionally has her moments. Kendall, our dog, is still so in love with her. He is usually laying near her while she naps. It's so precious.  

We get the question all the time "Who does Heidi look like?" Right now we really can't tell. We hear different opinions from people all the time. Sometimes Dennis, Sometimes me, and that she is a nice combo. I am sure it will change throughout her lifetime. Her eyes have started to look more green, like her daddy's, and I am hoping they will stay that color. 

2 months old
Weight: 14 lbs  Height: 23.2 inches

3 months old
Weight: 15.8 lbs   Height: 24.5 inches

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

1 month old!

Our little girl is a month old! I can't believe how fast it went by. Dennis and I are not only celebrating Heidi's one month of life but our one month of keeping a little human being alive. You hear it all the time that it's a lot of work having a baby but you don't know how much work it actually is until they arrive. She has taken over our world and we are loving every minute of it. She has already changed so much in just over a month. She is now 11 pounds and 22.5 inches long. Her favorite things are eating, sleeping, staring at toys and mommy/daddy, her swing, cuddling with her alligator pacifier, and listening when mommy and daddy sing to her. There is also a joke that she likes to party since mom and dad have taken her to the adult halloween party and the officer's club several times. Things she does not like is mainly pooping. But I keep on trying to tell her that everyone poops. Thankfully she does like to sleep especially when it's bedtime. She is already hitting 4-5 stretches at night which is keeping Dennis and I sane. We are really looking forward to when she sleeps through the night. We will have to have a mini celebration for that too.

I want to send a huge thank you to everyone that has sent us baby stuff since Heidi has been born. We feel so loved and are so grateful for your generosity. We can't wait for you to meet this special little lady. She will melt your heart :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

It's a GIRL!!

Heidi Alice Muller

It's a GIRL!!!!!!! On September 26th at 5:50pm, Heidi Alice Muller entered the world. She weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 19.9 inches long. She is the most perfect little being that I have ever seen and Dennis and I are in completely love. We are now back home with her and couldn't be happier. She is a eating, sleeping and pooping machine. Kendall is so in love with her and gets upset if she cry's or is adorable. He is such a good big brother. Dennis has come into the father role with such great ease. He is such a big help and Heidi and she is so lucky to have such a wonderful man in her life. She will for certain be a Daddy's girl. We are now one big happy family and I like to joke with Dennis that now the house is finally even with two boys and two girls. We have had several visitors, in the hospital and at home, and are so lucky to have such amazing people in our lives. Especially, since it's really tough being so far away from our close family so it's been so nice to have so many supportive an loving friends here in Misawa. We feel truly blessed! And to all of you back home we can't wait for you to meet Baby Heidi in November/December! You will fall instantly in love with this precious little lady.

I know a lot of people have been wondering about how labor and delivery went and I wanted to clear everything up so I have included my birth story below.

"DAD" Scrubbing in ;) 
My birth story

So like most things in life not everything went according to plan when it came to giving birth to Heidi. I went into the doctor's office on my due date having no contractions yet to get my 40 week check up. When I went in this time I was told that because I had high blood pressure last week and are now showing signs of it again this week that I would need to be induced the next day to be safe. They actually wanted me to be induced that night but I finally convinced them to let me wait a night to try and start things on my own. They agreed and told me to come in the morning for induction. I was at first disappointed with this news because I was really hoping to go into labor naturally but now left determined to start things on my own. That night I was on a mission and my contractions began that evening on their own. I went into the hospital the next morning having contractions about 7 minutes apart. Even though I was contracting, they were still planning to mechanically induce me with a foley bulb to get things moving along faster. But before they did they would check one last time if the baby was in the right position. She got out the ultrasound machine and low and behold Baby Muller's butt was in the birth canal instead of her head. She was breech. They told me we could try to turn the baby, which has a very low success rate and is very painful, or we could elect for a c section that afternoon. The doctors told us with trying to turn the baby this late it could be risky and I might have to have an emergency c section in the process. I was devastated at first with this news because it wasn't what I had envisioned for the birth of our child. Dennis and I talked it over and decided it was best for me and the baby just to have a scheduled c-section that day. I was told before I came into the hospital that day that I could eat food since I was planning on a natural delivery. Now since I had eaten and was having a c-section I would have to wait at least eight hours to go into surgery. We waited around most of the day and I was stuck in bed since I was hooked up to a bunch of machines. But it was a good time to let my emotions settle and process the whole c section. I started to pump myself up with all the pros of a c-section like the babies head coming out round and pretty and my lady parts getting to stay intact. But what really got me excited is that in about 8 hours I was going to get to meet our Baby.

She's here!! 
So after waiting most of the day in bed it was finally time to prep for surgery. Dennis put on this cute scrubs and even wrote on his surgical cap "Dad"....he said he didn't want them confusing him with being a real doctor. The doctor's loved it. They wheeled me into the surgery room where they administered a spinal tap. The spinal didn't hurt at all and made me totally numb from the chest down. It was a weird/amazing at the same time. I was then laid down on the table under bright was almost like my belly was about to play at a college football game with the amount of lights above it. After they got me all prepped and numbed up they then brought Den into the room. From there it was less than 10 minutes until they held up our baby and Dennis got to announce that we had a GIRL!!!!! I was so estatic since I had been secretly (well maybe not secretly) hoping for a little girl. They swept her off to the warming table to get her cleaned off and Dennis was allowed to cut the cord. They brought her back over to me for me to see and put her cheek to cheek with me before taking her out of the room to get all checked up. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen and I just couldn't wait to hold her in my arms. They got me all stitched back up and I was brought to the post delivery room where I waited for them to bring in my little angel. The only downside to having a c-section is definitely waiting on getting to hold your little baby. Thankfully I am a patient person and it made it so much more worth it once I got to hold her back in the room. We had to stay in the hospital for two nights since I had just had major surgery and were so antsy to go home by the second night. Since I have been back home I have been feeling really good. A little slow at first and sore but I have been able to get by just taking my prescribed motrin. This is great because it has made it so much easier to take care of my adorable baby girl, Heidi! So even though everything didn't go according plan all that matters is that I ended up with a beautiful baby girl in the end. She completes mine and Dennis' world.
Love our little lady! 
Thank you to everyone for all the congrats and love! And we can't wait until you all get to meet this very special little girl in our lives. Love you all!

Proud Daddy 
Proud Mommy

Proud Big Brother

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Growing Belly!

6 weeks!

10 weeks

11 weeks

13 weeks! CP! 

14 weeks
15 weeks
18 weeks
19 weeks. 
20 weeks
21 weeks

22 weeks.

23 weeks

24 weeks
26 weeks

26 weeks 

28 weeks

29 weeks. 
29 weeks

32 weeks
33 weeks

36 weeks 

37 weeks

38 weeks

40 weeks pregnant! 

Waiting for Baby M!! 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Barbells, Box Jumps, and Babies

38 weeks pregnant! 

Less than two weeks to go until Baby Muller could make his/her appearance. I got the hospital check list made, the nursery filled with all the essentials like diapers and wipes, and my text/call list of people to inform when we I go into labor. I did get an exciting delivery the other day from my best friend Allison from back home. She is the ultrasound tech that scanned me the past few times I have been in the U.S. and is the only one who knows the sex of Baby M. I gave her some money and made a wish list of boy and girls clothes for her to buy for Baby M. The clothes have been arriving over the past few weeks and it is so exciting to think that within these boxes lies the answer to if Baby M will be a he or she. I have a good amount of will power and will not be opening the boxes prematurely but I sure am wondering. We plan on opening them once Baby Muller is born and I am just so happy that I will have some gender appropriate clothes. It is so nice to have such a wonderful friend who could keep such a big secret and help out so much.

Are you still working out? 
Yes. I actually just did a Crossfit WOD this past Friday and rocked it. Throughout my entire pregnancy I have continued to workout and specifically continued to Crossfit. I was told by my doctor and other doctors, who also Crossfit, that it would be safe to continue since I had been working out before I was pregnant. Throughout my 1st and 2nd trimester I was still able to go 4-5 times a week with modifications on certain workouts, of course. Sometimes even doing two a days with Spin class or a run. Since I hit my 3rd trimester I am more of a 2-3 times a week with daily walks with Kendall. I am still able to kip a couple of pull ups together which was my one goal since becoming pregnant but man do my hands hurt from the extra weight their having to hold. I keep thinking to myself how much easier it will be once all this extra baby weight is gone to do pull-ups. Working out throughout my pregnancy has made feel great and hopefully will help me with the "workout" of giving birth that should happen soon.  I have always heard that people who are in better shape seem to have easier births and have an better time getting back to their pre-pregnancy bodies. Here's to hoping :)

After a workout with my other Pregnant Crossfit buddy :) 

Crossfit Baby Shower....Love these ladies!
While crossfitting on base here for over a year I have made many good friends who also share my love for working out. One of my good friends, Martine, threw me a Crossfit themed baby shower this weekend. It was at this cute little Japanese cafe and was decorated with a barbell made of diapers and chalk on the table. We even played a game of "Name that benchmark WOD" (workout of the day) using descriptions of birth and babies. It was such a wonderful shower and I am so lucky to have these wonderful ladies in my life. Thank you all who attended and showered Baby Muller with love. I can't wait for you all to meet Baby M once I am able to bring him/her to the gym with me! 
Diaper Barbell. Mini Box Jump. And a sign for the babies room with benchmark workout names on it :) 
With Baby Muller coming in less than 10 days I have been feeling more anxious and my mind keeps racing with questions like do we have everything we need, are we ready to be parents, and will it be a little Dennis or Heidi?!?! I have read so many birthing and baby books over the past months trying to prepare myself for this life changing event. My mom always reassures me with that she and my dad had no idea what they were doing but you figure out as you go. I am just so thankful that the military will give Dennis ten days of paternity leave and we can figure it out together. I know everything will be fine, though I am sure overwhelming and life altering at first. I just keep on thinking how we are about to embark on one of the best journeys in our lives....being parents. I can't wait! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Final Stretch!!

It is less than a month until Baby Muller's estimated arrival!! Ahhhh!! It's crazy to think Dennis and I will soon have a little human being in our lives. It's getting more and more real by the day. Somedays I can't wait to give birth but other days I just think it's so much safer for this baby inside the womb. It could stay in another month or two and it would be alright with me.  A lot of people tell me that I am not going to want to be pregnant towards the end but I have to say so far I still love it. I love feeling Baby Muller kick and having a baby bump....especially to rest items on ;) But I guess I still have about 30 more days to go so I will let you know how I feel in the end. As for my tummy, I really can't imagine it "stretching" anymore but I am sure it will. I will keep on posting pics of my progress :)

36 weeks pregnant! 

Nesting has come into full force and I have rearranged the furniture again but this time I actually really like where it is and didn't make Dennis move it back. I talked to Dennis on the phone that day before he came home from work and told him I had a surprise. He walked in and saw all the furniture moved and said "This is not surprising at all" LOL! Other than moving furniture, I went through every cabinet and closet to see if I could organize, clean, and make room for potential baby items. Now all I want to do is start some projects like painting stripes on my curtains or building some shelves for the baby room. I think both of these projects might be fueled from too much pinterest and will end up being a little too ambitious for my lack of craftiness. The nursery is still a work in progress as far as decor goes. We have all the essentials ready but it is lacking some wall decor. It has all been ordered, mostly from etsy, but just takes a little while to get out here to Japan. I will post some pics once everything is up and looking cute.

What is your birthing plan?

I ultimately would like to have a natural, non-medicated child birth. I know things could change and it might not ending up being the final outcome but I am going in with the hopes of a all natural labor. My thoughts are women have been doing this for hundreds of years without medication or surgery and it's what are bodies are made for. Plus, there are so many benefits of natural childbirth for the mother and baby. I know I could possibly be singing a different tune once the labor pains start but my mom told me think of this....If she was able to go through natural childbirth with me, mind you she has one of the lowest pain tolerances of anyone that I know, than I can do it too. I think that's going to be my motto going into birth. If mom can do it, I can do it. I have read a couple of hippie books on pain management to try and prepare myself for what I will be feeling and how to better deal with it. Hopefully, with those and Dennis at my side I can have a nice easy labor.

I hope everyone has a great labor day weekend! We will be hitting up the beach, relaxing, enjoying   one of the last few weekends of it being just the two of us, and watching some college football! I will appropriately end this blog with a Go Gators!!!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013


 KJ and me trying to keep cool in the Pacific Ocean.
33 weeks pregnant.  

It has begun....I am 8 months pregnant and I have become a nester. Dennis comes home to find all the furniture moved into different places just for me to tell him that I am not sure about it and have him move it back. Poor guy. I have been organizing and cleaning like crazy to get ready for the baby's arrival in just over a month. The other day I even looked up online the most efficient way to fold a onesie. Those little suckers are really awakard to put in drawers....Haha. I still don't have the nursery completely ready just yet but it is slowly getting there. I am still waiting for some cute decorations that I ordered from Etsy to get here for it really to feel complete. Other than nesting, I have been feeling pretty good still. I am a little achy in the morning when I wake up and my feet are starting to hurt by the end of the day. But I can't complain too much....I am still able to workout and do pretty much everything I did before pregnancy just a tad bit slower and a little bit more labored depending on the activity. For example, bending over to put on shoes is requiring a little more effort than usual.

The only real complaint I have about being pregnant is being extra hot. Thankfully, the base recently approved one portable floor a/c unit per household. We bought one on Amazon Japan the other day and it arrived in just three days and it feels like it was heaven sent. With the very limiting specs they gave us the unit can only cool down one small bedroom efficiently but I have to tell you it's a lifesaver at night. We have it in our bedroom and it makes a world of a difference compared to us sweating in bed before and it's only really cooling the room to 77. Compared to how it was before it feels like 65 degrees to us. We are so thankful that the base finally approved this and I am sure Baby Muller will be thankful once he/she is here as well.

While I have been back in Japan, my good friends Corban and Amy threw Florencia (another pregnant lady in my squadron) and I a baby shower. It was such a great time, with great food and company. The 13th and 14th squadrons are so generous and Dennis and I are so thankful to have them in our lives. Thank you to all who attended and showed their love to Baby Muller. A special thank you to Corban and Amy for hosting the shower. It was a perfect event and I am so lucky to have amazing friends like you.

What are you and Dennis thinking Baby Muller's gender is going to be? 

I have gone back and forth but I think it's going to be a boy and Dennis thinks it's going to be a girl.  I think we are both secretly hoping, well mine isn't so much of a secret, for the opposite genders than we are predicting. Either way, we are going to be so happy no matter the sex and we can't wait to meet our little baby boy or girl in late September. It's coming up so soon!

I hope everyone is enjoying the last weeks of summer and to all my teacher friends I hope you have a great start to the school year! We can't wait to see most of you in November/December!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Christmas in July

Love these ladies! 31 weeks pregnant.
I am back home in Japan now after visiting the states for a couple weeks and I am in my 8 month of pregnancy. It's always bittersweet leaving the states because I love being with my family and friends but it's great to go back home to the hubby and puppy. The states were fantastic and the American food was everything I remembered and hoped for. I can't believe next time I am home I will have an infant with me. Crazy!!

When I got home, I opened up the nursery and there were about 30 packages. Dennis said he went to the post office one day after being gone for a week and there were so many packages that they barely fit them in his large SUV. Since he really is not interested in the baby gear and wouldn't even know what half of the items were I opened them all once I got into town. It was like Christmas!! I loved reliving my shower and reading all the little gift notes from everyone. Thank you to everyone who sent Baby M such wonderful stuff. We are just so blessed.

How are you feeling now that you 8 months pregnant? 

I still feel wonderful and surprisingly have lots of energy. One thing that has changed is that my feet get tired really easily now. I think I need to buy some orthopedic old lady shoes to walk around in now. I did have my first feet swelling last night and let's just say my feet were not looking their sexiest. Other than that, I am starting to feel the heat of Misawa since we do not have air conditioning in our homes but my car does so I might just sleep in there for the next 2 months. LOL!

What are you doing about clothes? 

My best childhood friend Allison is an ultrasound tech and has scanned me at various time throughout my pregnancy. She is the only one who knows the sex of the baby. No, you will not get it out of her....her lips are sealed shut. She scanned me one last time while I was in the states to confirm her earlier prediction. So this is how it's going to work....I will be registering for boy/girl clothes online and giving her some money. She will buy them and have them shipped to me in Japan.  I will only open them after I come home with the baby. That way I won't just have gender neutral outfits to dress Baby Muller in. As I have been online looking at clothes, I realize how much more fun it is to buy girl clothes. They are just soooo adorable. I filled up a cart at gap baby with about 3 times the amount of girl clothes than boy clothes. Now it's just figuring out what I am really going to need for Baby Muller when he/she arrives.

If anyone is interested in buying Baby Muller clothes once we find out the gender I would highly suggest buying them online and having them shipped directly to Japan. It saves you so much money compared to shipping them yourself. Especially since a lot of online stores have free shipping and the package will arrive here in about a 1-2 weeks. Gap, Old Navy, and Amazon are great sites for this.

Matt and I showing off our bumps ;) 

Before I sign off, I want to send a HUGE thank you to my Mom and Dad for putting me up and taking care of me while I was home. I love you both so much and I know you are going to be such wonderful Grandparents to Baby Muller! See you in November!