Monday, August 6, 2012


We have finally arrived in Japan! After about 5 months of moving from Phoenix to Alabama and visiting lots of Family in between we are back in the far east. This time we were allowed to bring a very special member of our family Kendall Jackson. He was a trooper after two straight days of flying underneath the plane as cargo but he is so happy now to be with us in Japan.

When we arrived in Japan we were greeted by the 13th Fighter Squadron with a very nice warm welcome from husbands and wives. We then preceded to drop Kendall off at the kennel and arrived to our lovely 90 degree hotel room. It is rare to find air conditioning on base and we will be living without it in our home for the next 3 years. The key to success is box fans and that most of the year it's cold enough to where you don't need A/C. There is a rumor that they are going to get air conditioning base wide but not sure when that will be done. Until then, I will be sitting in front of fans and hanging out at places on base where they do have air conditioning. 

One of the things that is the hardest to get used to at first is driving on the other side of the road. It goes against everything you have learned in the states. Not only do you have to drive on the other side of the road but the steering wheel is on the other side of the car. I still catch myself going to the wrong side of the car when getting in and I just try to play it cool. I guess as long as I am not driving on the incorrect side of the road I will be good. We did purchase one car already. It's a cute Japanese Toyota Raum and it's perfect for me. And don't worry....I already ordered a Gator sticker online for the back of it. The Gator Nation is everywhere! 

On Friday we were able to move into our new home. It's a two bedroom, one bath and it's perfect for our little family. We have a backyard for Kendall to run around in and actually live right next store to another Golden Retriever named Wally. We are still unpacking boxes and waiting on my household goods from Florida to arrive but it's nice to have a place where we will be staying put for a while. The house is stark white right now so I am thinking about painting while Den is at work. He, like most men, think it's fine all white but I'm thinking we need some color to make the place feel more homey. I will post some pictures once it's a little less messy of the place.

I'm sure some of you are thinking...."Breanna, are you going to work while you're in Misawa?" The answer to that is yes. Instead of being a full time teacher I have decided to substitute teach. The reason for this is so I have flexibility. Dennis will be gone a lot while I am over here and a lot of the times he will be going to some really cool places. (Gaum, Alaska, Singapore) I want to be able to hop on a cargo plane or tanker for free and visit that place as well. That way we can have some more fun adventures together. 

I think that's all I got for now everyone. I hope you all are enjoying your summers. Shout out to my amazing sister who competed in her first Crossfit competition and placed 2nd! You amaze me with your athleticism. Love and miss you all! Please, keep in touch ; )


PS-If you want our new mailing address just shoot me an e-mail at and I can send it to you : )

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are enjoying everything! I can't wait to see pics of the house and car!
