Monday, August 13, 2012

Hachinohe Beach


The past two weeks have mostly been filled with unpacking, meetings, picking up things for the house, working out, and catching up on sleep. So this week we were lucky enough to meet some really nice people at the Crossfit classes we attend on base and they invited us to go to the local beach with them on Saturday. We were told to take advantage of this warmer weather while we can since most of the year it's cold and snowy here in Northern Japan. So we packed up some chairs, Kendall, and got in the car and headed toward the beach. We went to a town called Hachinohe which is just south of Misawa and about an hour car drive. The beach was very different from the ones I grew up with in South Florida. The sand was a darker hue, with lots of shells, and it was surrounded by tall boulders and rocks. It was really a beautiful view from the grassy area where we made camp and it would be amazing to go in the morning to watch a sunrise.

When we arrived we were in awe of how huge the waves were and rough the sea was. They are always showing commercials on our TV network warning you about swimming in the ocean in Misawa so we knew it had to be pretty bad. The waves were about 15 feet tall and the water was ice cold. There were some brave souls from our group that went swimming and even tried to kayak, though most attempts were unsuccessful. Dennis and I were satisfied about going in just ankle deep.

It was Kendall first time at the beach and he had a great time. He was a little frightened of the waves and would run away at the approaching surf, but overall, I think he was happy to be out with us. It was great going to see some of the local sites of Japan and hanging out with some new people. We are thinking when we have visitors from the states we will need to take them to this beautiful beach.
Kendall and Dennis 

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is enjoying the last weeks of summer. To all my teacher friends, have fun getting ready for a new school year : )


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