Saturday, August 13, 2011

Korean McDonalds

This week I unexpectedly had my first trip to the Korean McDonalds and let me just tell you that I was not dissappointed. Den came home one lunch in a frenzy and was like get dressed, we are going to McDonalds for lunch today. Mind you, I have been talking about finding this McDonalds in our town since I have arrived in Korea. In my excitement, I think I got ready in record time and was out the door shortly after his arrival. One of his co-workers was driving there for lunch so we hopped in the car and were on our way. It was about a 5 minute drive, if that, and I have gladly figured out that I can easily walk there next time I have a craving. The McDonalds somewhat resembled one from back home except with more of a sleek modern look and much cleaner. It was pretty packed for a Tuesday afternoon and I have heard it's somewhat trendy to eat at the "westerner" food places in the Asian culture. I ordered a Big Mac meal, large, which is more like a regular sized meal back home. Dennis actually went rogue and ordered a Korean style quarter pounder called a Bolgogi burger. The interesting part is that on the actual menu next to each burgers picture is the calorie count of the meal. I think my Big Mac meal was 905 most of you would know this did not deter me at all from ordering it. We got in the car and brought them back to our little apartment and the food was still more fresh than any of my experiences of McDonalds back in the states recently. It was a wonderful spur of the moment lunch and I do not regret one bite of that wonderful Big Mac and Fries. I look forward to going back and maybe indulging in one of the childhood favorites, some Chicken McNuggets.

No numbered meals on the board.

Plastic cups if you eat in the McDonalds

Delivery scooters! Yes, McDonald's can be delivered to your home : )


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