Our little girl is a month old! I can't believe how fast it went by. Dennis and I are not only celebrating Heidi's one month of life but our one month of keeping a little human being alive. You hear it all the time that it's a lot of work having a baby but you don't know how much work it actually is until they arrive. She has taken over our world and we are loving every minute of it. She has already changed so much in just over a month. She is now 11 pounds and 22.5 inches long. Her favorite things are eating, sleeping, staring at toys and mommy/daddy, her swing, cuddling with her alligator pacifier, and listening when mommy and daddy sing to her. There is also a joke that she likes to party since mom and dad have taken her to the adult halloween party and the officer's club several times. Things she does not like is mainly pooping. But I keep on trying to tell her that everyone poops. Thankfully she does like to sleep especially when it's bedtime. She is already hitting 4-5 stretches at night which is keeping Dennis and I sane. We are really looking forward to when she sleeps through the night. We will have to have a mini celebration for that too.

I want to send a huge thank you to everyone that has sent us baby stuff since Heidi has been born. We feel so loved and are so grateful for your generosity. We can't wait for you to meet this special little lady. She will melt your heart :)